This racking system is preferred in warehouses where product variety is low and high stocking is required. Products are stored using Filo and Fifo methods. This drive-through system can be loaded by a forklift. The same-sized pallets are placed on the special pallet sheets starting from the end nearest the entrance. Therefore, maximum area usage is available within the warehouse.
Since there is no space between the units, space utilization is maximized thanks to a single loading zone. Especially in earthquake areas, it is important to choose high-rack foot sections very carefully.

- Enables the products to be stored in block form.
- Suitable for storing seasonal products.
- Provides the best use of warehouse capacity.
- Stacking at different depths and heights possible.
- Can be used with a stacking device.
- Allows the products of the same size and content to be stacked one after another in the channel as a block.
- Products can be planned according to the first in last out (FILO) and / or first in first out (FIFO) system.
- Preferred in businesses with low product circulation and less variety.
- Efficient storage example where approximately 85 percent of the storage area can be used.
- Since there is no space between the units, space utilization is maximized thanks to a single loading zone.
Product brochure:

Drive-In / Drive-Through

Drive-In / Drive-Through
This racking system is preferred in warehouses where product variety is low and high stocking is required. Products are stored using Filo and Fifo methods. This drive-through system can be loaded by a forklift. The same-sized pallets are placed on the special pallet sheets starting from the end nearest the entrance. Therefore, maximum area usage is available within the warehouse.
Warehouse Racking Systems