Madosan Welcomes Esteemed Members of BTSO's Coachwork URGE Cluster for a Field Visit

Building Strong Partnerships: Hosting BTSO's Coachwork URGE Cluster Members at Madosan
Collaborative Initiatives: Field Visit from Coachwork URGE Cluster Members
In the spirit of fostering collaboration and exchange of knowledge, we, as Madosan, were delighted to host a field visit for the esteemed members of the Coachwork URGE (Underdeveloped Regions Economic Development) Cluster, which operates under the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO).
The visit served as an excellent opportunity for these accomplished professionals to gain insights into our processes, technologies, and innovation-centric practices. Our guests had the chance to explore our state-of-the-art facilities and witness first-hand how we maintain the highest standards of quality and efficiency in our operations.
We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and shared knowledge in driving progress and innovation. This enriching interaction with Coachwork URGE Cluster members underscores our commitment to engage in meaningful dialogues with industry professionals for mutual growth and advancement.
We look forward to hosting more such field visits and reinforcing our ties with organizations that are making remarkable strides in the industry.