Madosan Fosters Sustainability with Environmental Awareness and Waste Management Training

Elevating Environmental Consciousness: Madosan's Initiative with EKOÇED Engineering
Empowering Our Team with Waste Management Knowledge from Environmental Engineer, Fatih Samed Keskin
Reaffirming our commitment to sustainable practices, we, as Madosan, organized a special Environmental Awareness and Waste Management Training session on November 13, 2019. This training was facilitated by esteemed Environmental Engineer, Fatih Samed Keskin, from EKOÇED Engineering Consultancy Services.
Through this initiative, we aimed to enhance our team's understanding of environmental conservation and waste management. The session encompassed critical aspects of waste management, educating our team on the significance of recycling, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices. Our team members learned practical ways to minimize environmental impact in their work processes, thereby strengthening our efforts towards sustainability.
We firmly believe that creating a sustainable future starts with the individual. Hence, we continually strive to provide our team with the knowledge and resources they need to contribute to this mission. Let's work together to create a greener, cleaner, and sustainable future for all!